Library Catalogs |
To find Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Library collections such as books, multi-media materials, please search in STUST Library Catalog. |
Databases |
1.To find Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Library databases, please search in Hyint. Hyint will allow users to access multiple databases simultaneously through one search interface.
2.Please follow copyright regulations when using library resources. Usage of these resources is governed by copyright law and individual license agreements. Systematic downloading, photocopying, online-distributing, or retaining substantial portions of information is prohibited. Violators will face legal consequences with their library access revoked.
Periodicals and E-Journals |
The library has numerous periodical titles that are housed
on 7th floor and 8th floor. There are close to 15, 000 bound volumes, and more
than 700 subscriptions in total. In addition, users can look for other
materials that are unavailable in our libraries through the Inter-Library Loan
service. To find Periodicals collections, please browse Periodicals List. To find Southern Taiwan University of Science and
Technology Library E-Journals collections, please browse E-Journals List.
E-Books |
E-Books are digital full-text versions of books such
as reference works, scholarly monographs, literature, fiction, etc. To find
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Library E-Books
collections, please search in E-Books List . |
MOD(Multimedia on Demand) |
The goal for the MOD system’s is to enable individuals to select multimedia materials from a central server for viewing on a television or computer screen. Please enjoy |