
DeGruyter SSH EBook Collection Free Trial

公告類型: 南臺英文網站
點閱次數: 1251

We are pleased to announce that the DeGruyter SSH EBook Collection is now available for trial access. This collection provides access to over 61,000 electronic books covering a wide range of subjects in humanities, social sciences, and science, technology and medicine.

* Trial content: DeGruyter SSH EBook Collection
SSH (social sciences and humanities) books cover subjects such as literature, social sciences, art, music, history, cultural studies, philosophy, modern languages, architecture and design, law, business and economics, library and information science, language and linguistics, Islamic and Middle Eastern studies, Asian and Pacific studies, classical and Near Eastern studies, theology and religion, etc.

* Connection URL: https://www.degruyter.com/search?query=ebaPackageId%3AWEB-EBA-EBA_ESSHALL

* Trial period: ~ until 2024/4/30

* Resource introduction:
DeGruyter, with over 270 years of history, is a comprehensive academic publisher that publishes over 1,500 new titles per year, over 700 peer-reviewed subscription and OA journals, and over 40 databases.
Participating publisher partners include Academic Studies Press, Amsterdam University Press, Bucknell University Press, Channel View Publications, Columbia University Press, Cornell University Press, Duke University Press, düsseldorf university press, Edinburgh University Press, EDP Sciences, Fordham University Press, Harvard University Press, ISEAS Publishing, Multilingual Matters, New York University Press, Penn State University Press, Princeton University Press, Rutgers University Press, Transcript, University of Hawaii Press, and University of Pennsylvania Press.

From: STUST Library
發布日期: 2023/10/26 至 2024/04/30