
圖書館舉辦「iRead eBook電子書南臺科大借閱王就是您!」活動,歡迎踴躍參加。

公告類型: 校園活動
點閱次數: 2176
iRead eBook電子書南臺科大借閱王就是您 You are the library iRead eBook Reading king.


(1). 「最愛閱讀王」:「iRead eBook華藝電子書」(http://www.airitibooks.com/) 登入個人帳號後下載書籍並閱讀20本以上即可參與抽獎。(借閱同一本書只計算一次,歡迎多多借閱不同的電子書。)
“Reading eBooks King”:Login your personal account to STUST Library iRead eBook database and read more than 20 books, can enter a lottery. Borrowing the same book for several times will only count as just one credit.

(2). 「最愛分享王」:於活動時間內任選一本書籍,分享心得並PO文於圖書館粉絲專頁,即可參加抽獎。
“Sharing King”:
Anyone who choose a book from STUST Library iRead eBooks database and share his/her reading experience to library Facebook, can enter a lottery.

(3). 「最愛借書王」:以院作為基準,工學院、商管學院、人文社會學院、數位設計學院,每學院其中借書量最高者,即可直接獲得便利商店禮卷400元。
“Borrowing eBooks King”:
The winner of each STUST college for borrowing eBooks king, can get the convenience store voucher for 400 NT dollars.

(4). 「最愛參加王」:在圖書館1樓加入我們的圖書館示範,並向我們的圖書館Facebook貼文或打卡,可以獲得精美禮物一個。
Active king: Join our library demonstration at library 1 Floor, and also post a message to our library Facebook, can get a “COOL” gift.


發布日期: 2017/10/13 至 2017/11/23