編號 |
名稱 |
訂閱起訖 |
1 |
Academy of management review |
0363-7425 |
2019.1-12 |
2 |
Accountancy |
0001-4664 |
2019.1-12 |
3 |
Accounting review |
0001-4826 |
2019.1-12 |
4 |
American economic review |
0002-8282 |
2019.1-12 |
5 |
American literature |
0002-9831 |
2019.1-12 |
6 |
College English |
0010-0994 |
2019.1-12 |
7 |
Comparative literature studies |
0010-4132 |
2019.1-12 |
8 |
Contemporary literature |
0010-7484 |
2019.1-12 |
9 |
Early childhood education |
0012-8171 |
2019.1-12 |
10 |
Educational leadership |
0013-1784 |
2019.1-12 |
11 |
English journal |
0013-8274 |
2019.1-12 |
12 |
Genetic engineering & biotechnnology news |
1935-472X |
2019.1-12 |
13 |
Harvard business review |
0017-8012 |
2019.1-12 |
14 |
Harvard educational review |
0017-8055 |
2019.1-12 |
15 |
1047-2975 |
2019.1-12 |
16 |
Journal of chemical education |
0021-9584 |
2019.1-12 |
17 |
Journal of derivatives |
1074-1240 |
2019.1-12 |
18 |
Journal of economic literature |
0022-0515 |
2019.1-12 |
19 |
Journal of economic perspectives |
0895-3309 |
2019.1-12 |
20 |
Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia |
1055-8896 |
2019.1-12 |
21 |
Journal of
educational psychology |
0022-0663 |
2019.1-12 |
22 |
Journal of human resources |
0022-166X |
2019.1-12 |
23 |
Journal of international business studies |
0047-2506 |
2019.1-12 |
24 |
Journal of law & economics |
0022-2186 |
2019.1-12 |
25 |
Journal of marketing research |
0022-2437 |
2019.1-12 |
26 |
Journal of political economy |
0022-3808 |
2019.1-12 |
27 |
Journal of technology and teacher education |
1059-7069 |
2019.1-12 |
28 |
Journal of technology education |
1045-1064 |
2019.1-12 |
29 |
LANGUAGE : Journal of the linguistic society of American |
0097-8507 |
2019.1-12 |
30 |
Library journal |
0363-0277 |
2019.1-12 |
31 |
Management science |
0025-1909 |
2019.1-12 |
32 |
Mathematics of operations research |
0364-765X |
2019.1-12 |
33 |
MFS – Modern fiction studies |
0026-7724 |
2019.1-12 |
34 |
MIT Sloan management Review |
1532-9194 |
2019.1-12 |
35 |
Modern English teacher |
0308-0587 |
2019.1-12 |
36 |
Modern language studies |
0047-7729 |
2019.1-12 |
37 |
Operations research |
0030-364X |
2019.1-12 |
38 |
PMLA - Publications of the modern language association of
America |
0030-8129 |
2019.1-12 |
39 |
Pragmatics: Quzrterly Publication of the International
Pragmatics Association |
1018-2101 |
2019.1-12 |
40 |
Research in the teaching of English |
0034-527X |
2019.1-12 |
41 |
Siam journal on control and optimization |
0363-0129 |
2019.1-12 |
42 |
Visual arts research |
0736-0770 |
2019.1-12 |
43 |
Young children |
1538-6619 |
2019.1-12 |