
“Library’s Wednesday Cinema” Movie List for 2017/2018 First Semester.

公告類型: 南臺英文網站
點閱次數: 1822
Dear All:

In this Semester, “Library’s Wednesday Cinema” will change the playing time to 3:00 ~5:00 PM. We prepare many fantastic and FREE movies for you! STUST Library’s “Wednesday Cinema” will play one movie every Wednesday afternoon in our Multimedia area 12th floor. In this semester, many famous and attractive films such as “Sing ”, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ”, “La La Land ” and so on are in our playing list. Please check out our library website for the ” Library’s Wednesday Cinema” Movie List. http://lib.stust.edu.tw/tc/node/movie

Welcome to see our first movie : “Sing ”
Date/ Time: September 27, 2017/ 15:00 PM
Place: Library 12th floor “Movie Appreciation Room”

One of the movies “Sully” which playing on November 1, 2017 is cooperate with the Division of Counseling & Guidance for "Education for Life" activity. Please pay attention to the information.

We hope you like our Wednesday Cinema selected movies and welcome all of you to utilize our library multimedia facilities.

Best wishes,

STUST Library
發布日期: 2017/09/21 至 2017/09/30